Yamika is the definition of excellence. She strives to deliver 144% in all she sets out to do on and off the Yoga Mat. We have worked on several business building projects for a few years to grow and flow. The services that she offers with her Yoga and life coaching program have set a permanent impact on the community which includes our youth. She cares wholeheartedly about each and every one of her clients, and her insights on life and becoming a healthier YOU are unique and unmatched.

You know the saying when the student is ready, the teacher will appear? Well that’s exactly what happened. As I put out my desire for improved health into the universe, lo and behold appeared YLS Fitness & Exercise Coaching LLC!
What a Godsend! She introduced me to a now important part of my life, Yoga. My physical struggles have decreased my body is changing and I have new found love, respect and appreciation for this body of mine. I am proud to be apart of a movement that has forever changed my life.

Yamika Stephens shared a powerful message at our self-care workshop. Her delivery was authentic, transparent, and relevant . The information she shared about your health and your walk was life changing and I can apply to my everyday life. Thank you so much! You are a blessing!

Class today was more than I expected. I've never done Yoga before but today was awesome. Not only was Yamika's voice calming during instructions but she was very clear. The relaxation part put me in a tranquil state. I need more times like this.