A woman can empower other women, especially when she can empower herself.
A woman who values herself and advocates for what she believes in is to be admired.
When I think of a woman, I think of her beauty and strength. The kind of beauty you feel by her presence, and the strength you receive from the words she speaks so eloquently into your heart. She has a way about herself that is empowering through her self-confidence with a sense of compassion. That’s a beautiful and powerful woman. There is something about a woman who will not give up on her dreams regardless of the many obstacles standing in her way.
Believe she has a tribe full of women who are there, reminding her of her greatness, standing with her praying, encouraging her, uplifting her spirits to continue to move forward in her purpose. There is a tribe of women who will hold her accountable for the things she has committed to. Those same women have a tribe of their own helping them through life’s challenges.
Don’t under estimate the strength of one woman.
When women unite together in groups, they are powerful. They come with a mission to change the world. Women united together will make things happen. A woman standing strong in her strength remembers the women who are standing with her.
That is the beauty and strength of a woman.
Written by : Yamika Leeper-Stephens | Lifestyle Coach